Exhibitions Detail

365 & Counting: Iowans in the Vietnam War

A more personal side of the war, told through stories of Iowans.

Iowa Public Radio Iowa Arts Showcase from Saturday, November 7, 2015

Now-July 16, 2016

The Vietnam War was the longest war in American history up until the 21st century. Between the years of 1964 to 1975 American forces fought to prevent the growth of communism. Iowa sent 115,000 men and women who served in all branches of the military, most in country for 365 days. Their stories, from the mundane to the painful reality of combat, tell of a war that was unlike previous United States engagements. The enemy was often indistinguishable from the local populace, strategy too often focused on body counts in lieu of territory gained, and the dense jungle and mountainous terrain blurred definable front lines. Back home the war became a polarizing issue. Some politicians and civilians questioned the war’s necessity and strategy as American casualties mounted.

But for those who served, Vietnam became a defining moment in their lives. Most American troops served honorably - all sacrificed and some sacrificed all.  

The exhibit will express a more personal side of the war by weaving together a timeline with individual stories of Iowans. Stories will be told that cover all branches of the service - from the foot soldier to support groups whether on land, air or sea. Artifacts, photographs, video footage and audio recordings will enhance the storyline that reflects over 13 years through the 1960s and into the 70s.

To the Veterans of the Vietnam War, we say Welcome Home!

Vietnam Era Veterans will recieve FREE Museum admission throughout the duration of the exhibit.

5 Star Presenting Sponsor: Black Hawk County Gaming Association, City of Waterloo

4 Star Major Sponsors: Burk “Skeet” & Julie Miehe, Black Hawk County, Cedar Valley Broadcasting (local, exclusive media sponsor), VGM, Waterloo Hotel/Motel Tax Mini-Grant

3 Star Premier Sponsor: Downtown Waterloo Rotary, Iowa's Bravest, Print Innovations, Rooff Development LLC, Schumacher Elevator Company

Help provide free admission for all Vietnam Veterans who visit the Museum during the duration of this exhibit: Vietnam Veteran Sponsor A Day